Thursday, May 3, 2007

. . . her first swing, a rose, a sqare, some milk and a pizza

Thursday was a busy day for baby-social. Daddy was on vacation and Auntie Sarah was visiting, so the family took a trip downtown to see the city. Baby-adorable enjoyed her first visit to Forsyth park, where she walked from the south end of the park, up past the newly renovated confederate monument to the big kids' playground so that she and babymama could spend a little time on the swings.

After her relaxing nap on the playground, baby-sweetheart took a stroll through the fragrant garden, and had her picture made next to one of the red blooms. Of course you know which is the most beautiful . . .

Next, Averie, Mama, and Auntie Sarah walked down through the squares to Gallery Espresso while daddy ran back and drove the car down to Chippewa Square. Daddy and Auntie went in to get coffee while mama and baby sat in the square. You may notice that baby-adorable is wearing her sweet, soft pink kimono. Be sure to note how cute it is, because while it appears that baby-smiley is contemplating her hand, that's not really what that little smile is all about . . . and she won't be wearing that kimono for long.

After a change of diaper and outfit, baby-poops-a-lot decided that a snack was in order, so she and babydaddy enjoyed some milk and the view from the Paris Market. Babymama noted how each passing mother smiled at baby-adorable and murmured about how daddy-adorable was so wonderful for feeding that little sweetheart. Babymama agrees.

Finally, baby-no-dairy enjoyed a trip to the Mellow Mushroom, where she watched as babymama enjoyed a no-cheese, no-butter, no-parm-sprinkle pizza. Check out those toes!

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