Saturday, August 18, 2007

...more sleeping

Baby daddy is guest posting tonight. I've been meaning to do this since April - when I first took this picture. I'm not good with deadlines. (See, it's funny cuz I work for a newspaper.)

This was a Friday night and the stresses of the week bore down on all of us. Andie fell asleep in my lap, Darlin' flopped on the carpet and baby-sleepiest (did I do it right?) snoozed in her chair. I sat there, unable to go anywhere, peaceful with the knowledge that my girls were all safe and sleeping. I took this pic with my phone. Unfortunately, our other cat Remy was unable to drag a beer to me, mainly because he was sleeping in some other room.

And it's still a fairly representative portrait of our living room. There is still baby stuff and baby toys strewn everywhere because you really don't know what baby-needy might require on a moment's notice. So we might as well have it all out all the time.

Since I'm updating, the baby faux-hawk is pretty much gone. She's got new hair growing in. I'm once again the only person in the house with a faux hawk.

Andie quit the paper and got a job with a crazy hip design firm downtown.

I'm toiling at the paper still, although I'm printing a big project about the death of a doctor's wife on Tybee Island tomorrow. Check it out here.

Baby-won't-roll-over goes in for her six month check-up this week. Six months! She's growing out of stuff already.

I'll make sure baby momma posts some pics of baby-cutest in the next few days.


Anonymous said...

Or would it be baby-oh-so-tired?

me said...

Babydaddy - ya did great! You should guest post more frequently. Love, Babymama