Sunday, May 4, 2008

. . . a study in green or 'the expression of sentiment and imagination through the medium of crayon'

Both babydaddy and mama believe that art, in all of its forms and the creation of such is an important part of life, and we do our best to bring the creative into our growing baby's life as much as we can. We're by no means the 'arty type', but we were beyond pleased when baby-sweetheart began to show her appreciation for things beautiful in her early months. Each day, she is more attentive to the colors, sounds and textures around her, and recently, she's begun to demonstrate her very own emerging creative talents.

Baby-artistic has two sets of crayons - one which is specially shaped for tiny hands and use on paper, and a second which is specially designed for use in water. Ironically, the second set, which are shaped like a rubberized version of the regular, original crayons that baby-parents grew up with, seem to be easier for her to manage. A portrait of the artist as a young toddler follows, and you can see the art of the day by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

I cant believe how big she is getting. I know Kristin and I can't wait until we can get back there and give baby sweetness hugs and kisses. We miss you three badly. See ya'll soon.

Kristin said...

Ooh I just love this baby!!!!! I can't wait to see you guys. She's growing so much. I hope she remembers me. Tell her Aunt Kristin loves her!