Thursday, May 10, 2007

. . . her rectus capitis posterior minor & major

Baby-strongest spends more and more happy time on her tummy each day, thanks to the amazing baby boppy and her strong muscles. Yes, her rectus capitis posteriors (major and minor) are working hard to hold up that adorable little head.

Baby-healthy is also getting longer. We hesitate to say "taller" (since she can't stand yet) so maybe vertically-larger is the best description. She's almost as long as her little leaf mat. Her last official height (length) check had her ranked in the 75th percentile. Babymama is so proud and happy that baby-tallest will be able to reach for the top shelves without a step-stool.

Now both of these growth milestones are phenomenal, but the absolute best measurement of all is the one that counts the length in inches of baby-sweetheart's feet. Her feet are long. 'How long?' you ask. 'Long,' says babymama. They are over one third (1/3) the length of mama's feet. 'And just how long is that?' you ask. 'Three and one half (3.5) inches,' says mama, whose own feet measure nine. Really. She's got some long, long, feet. And long, long toes. But aren't they cute?

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