Tuesday, June 12, 2007

. . . the 'hawk'

Baby-breck was born with a head full of soft, dark hair. So much hair, in fact, that babymama & daddy could actually style it as soon as we could pry the pink & blue knit cap off her little head. (The nurses, who both mama and daddy loved, chastened us repeatedly for not keeping her head warm enough. It seemed at times that they were going to rubber cement that thing on so we couldn't remove it after we left the hospital).

Baby-fuzzie looked, need I say it, adorable with that head of hair, and babymama secretly smiled each time she saw one of those poor bald babies running around in public.

In later days, however, babymama & daddy noticed a certain lack of hair in random patches around baby-balding's little head. It started falling out in little bits at the back, leaving a soft, dark duck tail at the nape of her neck. Then, the fall-out spread to the sides, and before long, baby-punk-rock debuted, you know it, the mohawk.

As parents who fell in love to what some might term a Celtic-Punk soundtrack, babydaddy & mama are ever so proud of baby-independent's early display of individualism, and know that it will lead to a lifetime of bravery, liberty, anarchy and hopefully, revolution.

PS: Baby-safest is only sitting in a car eating lunch. She is not riding around sans carseat.


Anonymous said...

could it be that this baby is now baby-blonde. You go girl! Represent us blondes proudly, it is the most wonderful hair color.
Aunt Crystal

Margaret said...

Squirt had a head of dark locks when she was born. Freaked me out, I almost thought she wasn't mine when Socks wheeled her in to see me for the first time. (Hey, can't put any strange mistakes past him 'ya know.)

It all fell out and baby blonde chickie fuzzies were left. She didn't grow any more hair, or teeth until she was 15 months old.